Agenda item

4/13/00079/OUT - Land At Langley Wood House, Sleetburn Lane, Langley Moor, Durham

Outline application for the erection of 9 executive dwellings, including means of access.


The Chairman informed the Committee that the application was within his Electoral Division and would only vote if there was a need for a casting vote.


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an outline application for the erection of 9 executive dwellings on land at Langley Wood House, Sleetburn Lane, Langley Moor (for copy see file of minutes).


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site. Members had visited the site earlier in the day and were familiar with the location and setting.


Mrs Cowey, objector, addressed the committee.  She agreed with the planning officers recommendations to refuse the application as she believed it would destroy an already narrow area of Green Belt. She felt that the applicant had failed to prove any special circumstances and added that the site was identified as unsuitable for housing development in the latest SHLAA report.


Mrs Cowey suggested that the development could not be considered a critical mass as it fell well below 50 plots and she felt that the suggestion that the development would have a prestigious identity was not a reasonable enough argument for approving the application.


The Committee were advised that the development would have an adverse effect on the openness of the greenbelt and could potentially lead to a plethora of similar ribbon developments. Mrs Cowey highlighted that the Planning Authority described the proposals as having only a marginal benefit. She was surprised that the Drainage Officer had no comments to make in respect of the application as she believed that any build would add to the present flooding and standing water issues already experienced in the area.


In relation to the road adjacent to the site, Mrs Cowey advised the development would add to traffic issues in an area where there had been 7 accidents in the last 5 years.


Mrs Cowey concluded by stating that the fundamental aim of greenbelt policy was to prevent urban sprawl and that both national and local policies supported preservation of the greenbelt. She further felt that the applicant had failed to demonstrate special circumstances to justify the development.


Mr S Hesmondhalgh, agent representing the applicants, addressed the Committee.  He had become aware of the site 18 months ago and initially found it to be an inappropriate site for development. However having assessed the site further he had found it to be an appropriate infill site and as such, worked closely with the applicants to put forward the best scheme possible. In doing so, he and the applicants closely considered issues of economic benefit, sustainability, drainage and ecology.  He now believed that the exceptional economic benefits outweighed any objections, as the project had a value of £10m and £650,000 consumer spend and suggested that the site was of no significant value to the greenbelt.


Councillor M Davinson expressed concerns that while at the site visit he had witnessed motorists exceeding the 30mph speed limit on the road adjacent to the site and on a tight bend. In moving refusal of the application Councillor Davinson stated that he did not believe there to be exceptional circumstances which would warrant supporting the development and further, did not believe that £650,000 of developers spend would be invested in Langley Moor.


Councillor A Bell acknowledged that though the site was in a reasonably sustainable location, Planning Policy had identified the site as part of the Durham Green Belt. In supporting the motion to refuse the application he suggested that the applicant work with the Planning Policy team to explore whether the site could be removed from the greenbelt.


Councillor D Freeman was not in favour of building on Durham Green Belt and would support officer recommendations.


Upon a vote being taken it was,


Resolved: That the application be REFUSED.

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