Agenda item

3/2012/0424 and 3/2013/0051 - Bedford Lodge, South Church Road, Bishop Auckland

Demolition of Bedford Lodge and construction of 66 houses and associated works and Listed Building Consent to demolish Bedford Lodge


The Committee considered a report of the Principal Planning Officer regarding applications for the demolition of Bedford Lodge, the construction of 66 houses and associated works, and Listed Building Consent to demolish Bedford Lodge (for copy see file of Minutes).


A Inch, Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site. Members had visited the site that day and were familiar with the location and setting.


Members were advised of a proposed amendment to condition 2. Revised plans had been submitted to reflect minor alterations to house types and the removal of the footpath link from the scheme following advice from the Police Architectural Liaison Officer.


In discussing the proposals the Chairman noted that representations received in relation to the applications were mainly concerned with highway safety.


D Stewart, Highways Officer informed Members that highway improvements were sought in relation to the site entrance and within the highway of South Church Road. Site visibility in the southern direction was restricted and works included moving the retaining wall to improve visibility, a crossing point and a protected right turn at the entrance to the site. The proposed highway improvement works were detailed in the submitted scheme and had been included as a condition.


In response to a question from Councillor Huntington the Principal Planning Officer advised that the railway was approximately 12m from the southern boundary of the site and was at a higher level than the proposed development.


Councillor Richardson, in expressing his support to the application, was pleased to note that the density of the development had been reduced from 119 dwellings, as outlined in the planning permission granted in 2011, to 66. He also endorsed the demolition of Bedford Lodge.




That the applications be approved subject to:-


(i)                 the conditions outlined in the report with condition 2 being amended as follows:-


‘2.  The development plans hereby approved shall be carried out in strict accordance with the following approved plans:


DRWG no.12-1066.01 rev A15, Site Plan - received 13June 2013

                        DRWG no.12-1066.10 rev A1, Site Section A-A - received 13                          June 2013

DRWG no.12-1066.04 rev A2, Proposed House Types -  received 13 June 2013

DRWG no.12-1066.05 rev A1, Street Elevations - received 10 October 2012

DRWG no.12-1066.11 rev A1, House Types Cand D, Received 13 June 2013.’


Reason: To define the consent and ensure that a satisfactory     form of development is obtained in accordance with Policies GD1, BE1, BE4, BE17, HS, H24 and T1 of the Wear Valley Local Plan;


(ii)               the entering into of a Section 106 Obligation to secure a financial contribution of £50,000 to compensate the loss of the Listed Building to be directed to help safeguard a Listed Building in the vicinity of the application site.



Supporting documents: