Agenda item

6/2013/0147/DM/OP - Former Brown Jug Public House, Evenwood Gate, Bishop Auckland

Outline application for demolition of derelict former public house and residential development of the site including formation of vehicle access


The Committee considered a report of the Principal Planning Officer regarding an outline application for demolition of the derelict former public house and residential development of the site including the formation of vehicle access (for copy see file of Minutes).


 A Caines, Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site. Members had visited the site that day and were familiar with the location and setting.


Councillor A Turner, local Member expressed his disappointment that the other site at Evenwood Gate had not been approved but hoped that this application would be looked upon favourably as the village was in need of development proposals that would clean up this area.


J Lavender, the Agent was asked by the Chairman to comment on the applicants’ views in relation to the proposed Section 106 Agreement.


He advised that the applicants had recognised that circumstances had changed since planning permission had been granted in 2008, and therefore a Section 106 Agreement had been prepared in relation to the provision of affordable housing. However the applicants were concerned about the contribution towards off-site provision/maintenance of play/recreation space in the local area and the impact this additional burden may have on the scheme. 


The Chairman referred to the recent appeal decision raised in the earlier report when the Inspector had concluded that Evenwood Gate was not a sustainable location, and asked why this scheme was deemed to be acceptable.


The Principal Planning Officer acknowledged that the location was not sustainable, however the proposals were of a much smaller scale to the proposed development south of Evenwood Gate, was partly within existing development limits and was entirely on previously developed land within the curtilage of the former public house. In addition the site already had vehicle movements associated with it, and the vehicle access proposed was immediately next to the existing access to the pub car park.


Councillor Nicholson commented that this development was in the hamlet itself and would improve a derelict site.


With regard to the letters of objection Councillor Clare stated that these related to the details of the scheme and therefore believed that residents were not against the principle of development in Evenwood Gate.




That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report and to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement in respect of the provision of 15% affordable housing and a contribution of £13,000 towards off-site provision/maintenance of play/recreation space in the local area.  

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