Agenda item

'Remaking the Living Museum 1820-1950' HLF Project Application November 2013 - Presentation from the Museum Director


The Assistant Director, Engagement gave a detailed presentation entitled Remaking the Living Museum 1820-1050’ HLF Project Application November 2013 (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Assistant Director summarised the key points from the plan for each area of development that will form the Heritage Lottery Fund Bid to be submitted at the end of November.  The Chairman added that work was underway to secure the guarantor from local authorities that would support the application.  It was felt that this would be critical to the bid as competition was extremely fierce.  Senior Financial Managers from Sunderland City Council and Durham County Council have been approached to share the £4.5m risk.  The Chairman added that he was confident this would be in place, if not at the end of November, by January 2014.



That the HLF bid for the Development Plan be endorsed.