Agenda item



Councillor Shield referred to the last sentence on Page 3 of the minutes of the meeting held on 11 October 2013 stating that his comment on the Participatory Budgeting was incorrect. He clarified that funding was needed to stimulate interest and that rural areas had been excluded. He added that 7 out of 10 projects awarded went to the Consett area and rural areas do not receive a fair share. The Chairman stated that it was up to each AAP to service their individual area.


The minutes of the meeting held on the 11 October 2013, with the above amendment were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


The Head of Planning and Performance stated that the two issues from the previous meeting from Councillor S Wilson on youth employment and Councillor Hopgood on smoking figures would be covered under agenda item 7.


In relation to item 7 of the previous minutes regarding the AAP coverage, the Head of Planning and Performance confirmed that all 14 AAP’s were included in the report and will also be included in future reports.


With reference to communication channels, AAP coordinators were reminded to circulate information monthly and good practice was being fed through task and finish groups. If Members require further information they should contact their local AAP Coordinator.


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