Agenda item

Proposed Traffic Calming: B1287 North Road, Seaham


The Committee considered the report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services advising of objections received with regard to a proposed traffic calming scheme and 20mph speed limit for the B1287 North Road, Seaham.


The report summarised the background to the proposal, which was the result of representations made with regard to traffic congestion and increased pedestrian activity in the area arising from tourists and recent housing developments. The existing traffic calming had accordingly been reviewed and a scheme had been prepared comprising alterations to/removal of current road narrowing features, a series of sets of speed cushions along the length of North Road, a humped zebra crossing, the introduction of a 20mph speed limit with associated signing and road markings and a rationalisation of existing signs to reduce roadside clutter. A consultation exercise had been undertaken and resulted in 5 objections being received.


The objections were detailed in the report, together with officer responses. It was noted that the police, ambulance service and local members were supportive of the proposals.



That the Committee endorses the proposal to set aside the objections and proceed with the introduction of a traffic calming scheme on the B1287 North Road, Seaham, as outlined in the report.


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