Agenda item

A68 and C42 West Auckland: Prohibition of Waiting


The Committee considered the report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services advising of objections received to a proposal to introduce waiting restrictions on the A68 and C42 Front Street/Chapel Street, West Auckland.


The report summarised the background to the proposal, which was the result of complaints about indiscriminate parking made to the Council and the police – parking in close proximity to a mini roundabout and various side road junctions was causing road safety concerns. Pedestrians were also being prevented from using a footway running alongside the A68 due to parked cars.


A consultation exercise had been undertaken and resulted in a number of objections being received. The objections were detailed in the report, together with officer responses. It was noted that the police were supportive of the proposals.



That the Committee endorses the proposal to set aside the objections and proceed with the implementation of the Traffic Regulation Order to introduce ‘No Waiting At Any Time’ restrictions on the A68 and C42 Front Street/Chapel Street in West Auckland, as outlined in the report.


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