Agenda item

Bus Shelter - 65 Milbank Terrace, Station Town, Wingate


The Committee considered the report of the Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development advising of objections received to the proposed erection of a bus shelter at 64/65 Milbank Terrace, Station Town, Wingate.


The report summarised the background to the proposal, which was the result of a request from the parish council. There were currently six bus services utilising the bus stop, approximating to more than three buses an hour during the day Monday to Saturday and it was proposed to erect a fully glazed cantilever bus shelter (without a seat) at this location.


Whilst local members and the police were supportive of the proposal, an objection had been received from a nearby resident. The objection was detailed in the report, together with officer responses.



That the Committee endorses the proposal to set aside the objection and proceed with the installation of the bus shelter.


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