Agenda item

Quarter 2, 2013/14 Performance Management Report

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive – Performance and Improvement Team Leader, Regeneration and Economic Development


The Chairman thanked the Head of Strategy, Programmes and Performance, Regeneration and Economic Development, Andy Palmer who was in attendance to speak to Members in relation to the Quarter 2, 2013/14 Performance Management Report (for copy see file of minutes).


The Head of Strategy, Programmes and Performance reminded Members of the different types of indicators reported, Tracker indicators and Target indicators.


Councillors noted that some of the key achievements in Quarter 2 included: the number of apprentices at the Authority being ahead of target; the number of empty properties being brought back into use exceeding target; the number of homes being brought up to the decent homes standard by East Durham Homes being ahead of target and on track for the year end; and the number of private sector properties improved as a result of local authority interventions had also increased.





Members noted progress with Council Plan actions, such as: the delivery of Durham City projects including Freeman’s Reach which had now broken ground; improved transport modelling; completion of the link road at Horden; entry into the design phase for the rail station at Horden; and ongoing consultations in respect of the CDP and the Housing Stock Transfer Project.


It was added that key performance issues going forward included: the number of affordable homes being delivered; and the number of major planning applications being determined within 13 weeks.  It was added that Council Plan actions behind target included: the Regeneration Framework for Durham City being rescheduled from July 2013 to April 2014 in line with CDP; traffic management for Durham City now incorporated into the next Capital Programme; capital works relating to improving transport at Bishop Auckland rail station and at key employment sites; and physical improvements to Barnard Castle town centre.


Members noted the Tracker Indicators set out within the report including: a slight increase in the employment rate, with a continued slight decrease in the number of Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) claimants aged 18-24; and an increase of those accessing JSA for one year or more.  It was added that there had been a rise in those re-housed via the Durham Key Options (DKO) scheme and there had been a slight rise in the number of statutory homeless applications.


The Chairman thanked the Head of Strategy, Programmes and Performance and asked Members for their questions on the report.


The Committee asked questions in relation to: a breakdown of employment figures in terms of part-time, full-time, temporary and zero-hour contracts; the increase in the number of people being rehoused via DKO and the increase in the number of void properties; identifying where jobs had been created as a result of apprenticeship schemes; the delay in the deadline for sustainable travel plans linked to the Hitachi development; the influence of “City Forums” on regeneration plans; whether employment rate figures included those Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET); and why the indicator for number of tourism businesses actively engaged with by Visit County Durham (VCD) was set out as “not reported”.


The Head of Strategy, Programmes and Performance noted that a lot of research at a national and regional level had been undertaken in respect of breaking down employment figures and it would be possible to bring a report to a future meeting of the Committee.  It was explained that the Authority was looking at the issue of increases in rehousing and void properties and could be partially attributed to movement within the DKO system of tenants to properties with fewer bedrooms, as a result of the spare room subsidy policy of central Government.


Members learned that there were opportunities becoming available via the EU finding programme for 2014-2020, with specific funding in relation to the Youth Employment Initiative and further information could be provided to Members on where jobs have been created as a result of apprenticeships.



The Head of Strategy, Programmes and Performance noted that the date relating to sustainable travel plans had been revised following further in depth service planning discussions within the RED Service Grouping.  It was noted that NEET figures were not included within the figure as reported, NEET figures were reported within the performance data that falls within the “Altogether Better for Children and Young People” and is reported at the Children and Young People’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee, though figures could be included for Members information in future reports.  It was added that the “Not Reported” listed for the performance indicator relating to “tourism businesses being engaged with” was believed to be a timing issue and would be followed up with VCD.




That the report be noted.


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