Agenda item

North East Leadership Board - Secretary of State Statutory Consultation on Proposals

(i)       Joint Report of the Assistant Chief Executive and the Corporate      Director of Regeneration and Economic Development

(ii)      Presentation by the Spatial Policy Team Leader, Regeneration and Economic Development


The Chairman thanked the Spatial Policy Team Leader, Regeneration and Economic Development, Maria Antoniou who was in attendance to give a presentation in relation to the North East Leadership Board, Proposals for a Combined Authority for the North East (for copy see file of minutes).


The Spatial Policy Team Leader reminded Members that she had attended the Committee previously to explain the proposals for a Combined Authority (CA) and it was noted that the consultation from the Secretary of State (SoS) for Local Communities and Local Government on proposals had included a few additional questions and requirements than initially indicated.


Members noted that the context for a CA was for 7 Local Authorities working together and collaborating, and it was reiterated that a Combined Authority was not a “Super Authority” or “regional government by the back door”.  It was explained that a key question would be how the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and the CA would work together on their shared agenda, building upon the robust evidence base gathered through the North East Independent Economic Review (NEIER).  It was added that there would be also opportunities to work with the Tees Valley LEP on shared issues including access to finance and transport.


The Committee noted that the consultation document from the SoS was published 7 November 2013 seeking views on the proposed CA with the 7 Local Authorities and the Tyne and Wear Integrated Transport Authority being statutory consultees.  It was explained that the consultation ran until 2 January 2014, meaning that timescales were tight in getting responses through the committees of the constituent Authorities in order to have a single Local Authority response.  Councillors noted that the 7 Local Authorities’ relevant Executive Committees/Cabinets would look to approve a response during the week commencing 16 December 2013 and to have a single response that was agreed by the North East Leadership Board (NELB) of the CA by 20 December 2013.    


Members learned that the SoS consultation asked specific questions on: local support for establishing the CA; if the CA would improve the provision of transport, economic development; regeneration and the economic conditions in the area; the impact of the CA on local communities; the constitutional arrangements and functions for the CA; and how the North East LEP and CA would work together.  The Committee noted the consultation undertaken by the NELB and Local Authority with local stakeholders including: County Durham Partnership Board; Visit County Durham Board; Business Durham Advisory Board; Area Action Partnership (AAP) Chairs; and the County Durham Association of Local Councils (CDALC).  It was added that the Local Authorities had online surveys to feed into the process and a number of focus group meetings were being held in the DCC area in Durham City, Crook and Murton. 






The Spatial Policy Team Leader explained that the Local Authority response would include governance arrangements, with a North East Partnership Framework and set out a clear scope for the CA centred on transport, skills, inward investment and strategic funding.  Members noted that the response would provide evidence of local support from residents, businesses, partners and the voluntary sector and details as regards changes to the draft Order. 


It was reiterated that the NEIER supported the case for a CA and that the transport footprint of the Tyne and Wear Integrated Transport Authority would be mirrored by that of the CA.


Councillors were reminded that the CA existed in shadow form, with the Leader of the Council, Councillor S Henig being Chairman of the shadow Leadership Board, and noted the consultation was still ongoing with the single response from the Local Authorities being submitted in December 2013. It was added that the consultation closed in January 2014; the Parliamentary debate commenced in February 2014; with the proposed establishment of a CA, alongside CAs for South Yorkshire, West Yorkshire and Merseyside on 1 April 2014.       


The Chairman thanked the Spatial Policy Team Leader and asked Members for their questions on the report and presentation.


Councillors noted issues and asked questions in relation to: who would be providing the response regarding scrutiny arrangements for the CA; concern as regards public perception with the CA already operating in shadow form; who would be involved in the focus group meetings regarding the consultation; the geographical extent of the CA; and to what extent DCC could provide influence within the CA.


The Spatial Policy Team Leader explained that the focus group at Crook would comprise of the local Citizens’ Panel and with AAP Coordinators liaising with public representatives.  It was reiterated that the “local support” element had only been added at the last moment to the SoS consultation.  The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer, Stephen Gwillym commented on the  tight timescales in order to get an Overview and Scrutiny response to Cabinet and summarised members comments as:  there was broad support by the members of the Committee for the principle of the Combined Authority; in relation to the consultation process it was felt that the consultation period was too short (a very tight timescale  as it included the Christmas and New Year holiday periods); due to the tight timescale and timing of the consultation it was felt  that this has resulted in a  somewhat restricted engagement  activity considering the proposed  remit of  the Combined Authority and in relation to governance arrangements, it was felt that to ensure  openness and transparency in the decision making process, there was a need for robust and fit for purpose scrutiny arrangements. The Spatial Policy Team Leader noted that the Committee’s comments could be shared with Cabinet.


Several Members noted that they felt it was important to have a strong County Durham voice within any CA and having Councillor S Henig as Chairman of the Leadership Board in shadow form was a positive step for the County.  Members noted that many of the issued faced by Local Authorities in the region could be addressed better at that level, including economic development and growth.  




(i)       That the information within the report and presentation be noted, with the comments     from the Committee shared with Cabinet.

(ii)      That the Committee receive further updates on the development of the Combined     Authority at future meetings of the Committee.


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