Agenda item

County Durham Plan - Pre-submission Draft Consultation

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive


The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer asked Members to recall the recent Overview and Scrutiny Workshop looking at the Pre-submission draft of the County Durham Plan.  Councillors were reminded that facilitated discussions on the topics of: housing; the economy, including transport, the Environment; and General Strategy had taken place at the workshop, with the feedback having been collated and circulated to Members for any additional comments.  It was added that subject to the comments from Members, and in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, the final response had been submitted to Regeneration and Economic Development.  Members were referred to Appendix 2 to the report which set out the response from Overview and Scrutiny for information.  The Committee was asked to receive the report, note its content and endorse the submission as the formal response of Overview and scrutiny to the County Durham Plan Pre-submission draft.




That the response as set out within the report be endorsed as the formal response of Overview and Scrutiny to the County Durham Plan Pre-submission draft consultation.

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