Agenda item

7/2013/0409/DM - Thurlow Grange, Thurlow Road, Sedgefield

Demolition of Thurlow Grange and construction of 21 no. dwellings


The Committee considered a report of the Area Team Leader (South and West) regarding an application for the demolition of Thurlow Grange and the construction of 21 no. dwellings (for copy see file of Minutes).


In presenting the report the Area Team Leader advised of a proposed addition to the recommendation to include the provision of 4 affordable housing units within the Section 106 Obligation. Although all 21 homes by the social housing provider would technically be affordable this would ensure that the minimum requirement for the site was met in perpetuity.




That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report and to the completion of a Section 106 Obligation to secure the payment of a commuted sum in lieu of adequate on site open space provision and for the provision of 4 affordable houses in perpetuity. 



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