Agenda item

2014/15 Budget, Medium Term Financial Plan(4) 2014/15 - 2016/17 and Service Plans [Key Decision: CORP/R/13/02]


The Cabinet considered a joint report of the Corporate Director Resources and Assistant Chief Executive which provided an update on the 2014/15 budget, the Medium Term Financial Plan up to 2016/17, the Council Plan and Service Planning process (for copy see file of minutes).


Members commented on the local government financial settlement from the Government that was expected later that day, and although the figures had been forecast members expressed grave concerns at the impact once again this was going to have on Durham. The Authority would keep lobbying the government on the impact to Durham and the North East which appeared unfair as there was no regard to need or to the revenue levied from the council tax. Cabinet accepted that  the Council would take its share in reducing the country’s deficit however emphasised that this should be done fairly.




That the recommendations contained in the report be approved.


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