Agenda item

Youth Employment Initiative - Overview

(i)       Joint Report of the Assistant Chief Executive and Corporate Director of           Children and Adult Services.

(ii)      Presentation by the Strategic Manager, Progression and Learning, Children and Adults Services.


The Chairman introduced the Strategic Manager, Progression and Learning, Children and Adults Services, Linda Bailey who was in attendance to give an overview of the Youth Employment Initiative (for copy see file of minutes).


The Strategic Manager, Progression and Learning explained that the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) represented a unique opportunity to make a real difference for young people aged 15-24 years old who were not in education, employment or training (NEET).  It was explained that County Durham, as a Transition Region was allocated €157 Million, and the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (NELEP) allocation in total, including the Transition Region amount, was €539.6 Million.  Members noted that only 7 areas in the country had been allocated YEI funding, with the total for County Durham being €9 Million from YEI, €9 Million from the European Social Fund (ESF) and an amount of €6 Million in match funding (€24m in total).  It was explained that the €24 Million needed to be committed by 2015, and spent by 2018.


Councillors noted that the draft NELEP European Structural and Investment Funds Strategy had been submitted to Government and a finalised version would be passed to Government for approval by the end of January 2014, with a response expected by March 2014.  The Strategic Manager, Progression and Learning explained that there would be a period of discussion as regards the programme and that this would last through to Autumn 2014, with procurement exercises to take place late 2014.  Members noted that his represented a tight timescale in which to discuss and decide upon where to allocate funds, in the context of the NELEP. 


The Committee noted that Government indicated that there should not be a single model for activities that YEI would fund, rather activities should take into account existing provision and needs.  Members noted several areas that were particularly relevant to YEI, including: literacy and numeracy; targeting marginalised groups; and brokering between young people and employers.  It was noted that this was not a proscriptive or exhaustive list.  Councillors noted that an Activity Group was formed by the County Durham Economic Partnership (CDEP) to bring together a range of partners, with the Strategic Manager, Progression and Learning being lead officer.  Members noted that an evidence base was being established and 6 activity clusters had been identified which included: raising aspirations for vulnerable young people; peer mentoring; supporting transitions; supporting young people’s employment; world of work and enterprise; and pre-engagement activities.


The Strategic Manager, Progression and Learning added that within the activity clusters, there were schemes including: extended work experience; volunteering and mentoring, including paid mentoring using existing apprentices; supporting transitions to help ensure sustainable progression; and taking a proactive role with employers to create apprenticeship, training and work experience opportunities.  The Committee learned that there was an example of the work currently being undertaken in relation to “world of work and enterprise”, business ambassadors which inspires young people in relation to enterprise, followed up with enterprise activities both within the school day and after school.  Councillors noted that there would be a number of pre-engagement activities with bespoke schemes developed for groups of young people with specific barriers preventing them moving forward.


The Strategic Manager, Progression and Learning concluded by noting that while it was early days within the process, once NELEP and strategic feedback regarding funding and appropriate activities was received, a programme as regards the funding allocations would be drawn up for the following year with partners, including with young people themselves.


The Chairman thanked the Strategic Manager, Progression and Learning and asked Members for their questions on the presentation.


Members asked questions in relation to: who would provide match funding; the impartiality and quality of the information advice and guidance (IAG) provided to young people; provision of supporting young people in becoming entrepreneurs; matching young people with available vacancies; matching skills to those required by employers, including identifying skills shortages; the role of business advisors in respect of brokerage with employers; and the levels of NEETs and “not knowns”.


The Strategic Manager, Progression and Learning explained that there were several possible sources for match funding, including Government agencies such as the Skills Funding Agency (SFA), the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), or organisations such as the Big Lottery Fund, though this would be for determination by the NELEP with those discussions ongoing.  Members noted that if there was not capacity within existing arrangements, either in-house or provided locally, then a suitable specification would be drawn up for any procurement exercise.  Councillors learned that there was an enterprise strand, particularly looking at those post-16, however, there were other EU initiatives that focused on Business Support, including helping young people in starting a business.  It was added that Business Advisors would be looking to help demonstrate the benefits to employers of taking on young people, with extended work experience prior to employment, apprenticeships and help with administrative issues associated with taking on a young person.  Members noted that Business Advisors would “bang on doors” to help sell young people to employers, however, there would a need to ensure that the right young people were matched to employers to help stimulate employment.  The Strategic Manager, Progression and Learning noted that the latest approximate figures, yet to be confirmed, were for the NEETs level being at 7.4%, and the “not knowns” being at 6.4% and that a strategic partnership plan concerning NEETs including early interventions to tackle the “not knowns” was being developed and in relation to the activity clusters it was confirmed by the  Strategic Manager, Progression and Learning that interested members who wanted to get involved  and suggest areas of activity for inclusion within the clusters could do so.




(i)That the report and presentation be noted.


(ii)      That the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee receive a further progress report on the development of the Youth Employment Initiative within County Durham at a future meeting of the Committee.


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