Agenda item

Masterplans - Update

(i)       Joint Report of the Assistant Chief Executive and Corporate Director of           Regeneration and Economic Development.

(ii)      Presentation by the Community Economic Development Manager and           Regeneration Projects Manager, Regeneration and Economic           Development.


The Chairman introduced the Regeneration Projects Manager, Chris Myers and the Community Economic Development Manager, Wendy Benson who were in attendance to give an update on Masterplans (for copy see file of minutes).


The Regeneration Projects Manager reminded Members that Masterplans coordinated the regeneration activities across the County and fed into the County Durham Plan (CDP) and Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP).  The Committee noted that there was engagement with partners, stakeholders and communities as regards Masterplans, and development was based on a corporate approach, in line with the Regeneration Statement and the RED Capital Programme, as well as taking into account other public and private sector partners’ activities.  It was confirmed that Masterplans had now been prepared for all County Towns.

The Community Economic Development Manager explained that the Targeted Business Improvement (TBI) scheme had looked to help improve the streetscape, and/or help businesses expand or move into empty units.


Members noted that £390,000 of DCC funding had delivered: 37 improved premises; 6 new businesses; 98 jobs; training opportunities; and had also secured a sum of over £400,000 of private sector investment in addition.


In terms of specific delivery activities, the Community Economic Development Manager noted: TBI at Consett, a new bar/restaurant creating 20 jobs; links to training providers; and physical improvements including new paved areas and bollards.  Members noted in Stanley: the Town Council had invested heavily in street furniture and lighting; work had been undertaken in conjunction with the Head of ICT Services in relation to switching the local “Pubwatch” from analogue technology to digital; renewal and links to car parking at Front Street; the bus station site; and an emergency group had been set up in relation to the recent fires, involving Officers from Neighbourhood Services with some involvement from RED.  In relation to Chester-le-Street, Councillors noted that there were opportunities in respect of: tourism linked to the town, park and Durham Cricket Club; improving links from the park to the town centre; and improving links from the train station to the town centre.


The Regeneration Projects Manager reminded the Committee that the marina at Seaham was opened in July 2013 and retail space was being let, with an ice-cream parlour to open in the next 2-3 weeks.  Members noted that the recent winter weather had produced some spectacular images of waves crashing at the harbour, with one particular image being in the top 10 images on the BBC News website.  Councillors noted a recent Cabinet report regarding the North East Industrial Estate at Peterlee, and noted development in Durham City at Freeman’s Reach scheduled for completion in February 2016.  Members noted flood modelling work regarding Durham City, carried out together with the Environment Agency, with the model completed in Autumn 2013, briefing sessions have been held with local Members; the University and local Residents Associations.  The Committee noted the ongoing work on key development sites in the city, including the former City Baths site at Elvet Waterside, including adjoining University owned land, and Millburngate House.           


The Community Economic Development Manager explained that activities at Spennymoor included a presentation at the Spennymoor AAP regarding the Masterplan, and will be developing projects over the next year.  The Regeneration Projects Manager reminded the Committee that DurhamGate was the largest mixed-use regeneration project in the North East, with the highways infrastructure now completed and other adjoining sites being looked at regarding further development.


Councillors noted that as well as the well-publicised Hitachi development, Newton Aycliffe had also several good improvement activities including relocation of the library into the leisure centre / Customer Access Point (CAP).  Members noted that at Bishop Auckland there was ongoing work with the Auckland Castle Trust and their Heritage Lottery Fund project and work to maximise the occupation and retail offer at the Newgate Centre.  The Community Economic Development Manager explained that an overall public realm strategy needed to be developed for Shildon and there would be opportunities to improve the attractiveness and accessibility of the town centre, and potential for the removal of some street signage and street furniture. 

Members noted several activities ongoing at Crook, including: relocation of the depot to free up land for development; development at Queen Street for food retail; the CAP moving into the library; support for sustainable travel options; and improved public realm and retailer support.


The Regeneration Projects Manager concluded by noting regeneration activities at Barnard Castle including bird screening and tree planting at part of the Heart of Teesdale Landscape Partnership; the new CAP which was opened to the public on 10 January 2014, with an official opening by the Chairman of Durham County Council and the Mayor of the City of Durham, Councillor P Charlton scheduled for 12 February 2014; and a preferred developer has been agreed for the former Council offices at Teesdale House, where we expect that they will submit their planning application in Spring 2014.


The Chairman thanked the Officers and asked Members for their questions on the presentation.


Members asked whether there was still a hierarchy in place for those settlements outside of the 11-12 “main settlements” and noted that local Members should be kept informed as regards when Masterplans would be discussed and implemented.  It was confirmed that Local Members would be kept informed in relation to discussions on Masterplans.




That the report and presentation be noted.


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