Agenda item

CE/13/01085/OUT - Land North of Windsor Drive, South Hetton, Durham

Outline Residential Development (80 houses).


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an application for an outline residential development (80 houses) at land north of Windsor Drive, South Hetton, Durham (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Senior Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site.  Members had visited the site earlier in the day and were familiar with the location and setting. Members were reminded that the application before them related only to access proposals.


Councillor R Todd, local Member, addressed the Committee. He advised that his only concern regarding the application related to highway issues. The access to the development site would be from the A182 which already had issues relating to speeding and traffic control. Although measures had already been taken to address those issues, Councillor Todd advised a report was awaited which would establish any potential further measures which could be taken.


The Committee were advised that there was a cluster of retail properties where the access road met the A182 and those premises had extended opening hours which meant they did not close until late in the evening. Vehicles visiting those premises tended to park right on a bend on the highway, thus narrowing the area for moving vehicles to pass. As such highway safety was already compromised in that area and those issues would be exacerbated by the proposed access as detailed in the application. Councillor Todd advised that the Parish Council shared the same concerns as he had


The Highways Officer clarified that although the concerns regarding the highway issues were acknowledged, the Highways Authority was mindful that at the existing junction there were no records of any collisions during the last three years.


In relation to the parking issues, the Highways Officer advised that there were no records of any accidents in the Windsor Drive area and the Highways Authority considered there to be good traffic calming in that area.


As such the amended proposals as detailed within the application were considered acceptable. The Committee were advised that there had been a suggestion from the applicant of an alternative access point, however the proposed width of just 4m had not been considered acceptable by the Highways Authority. The current access proposals allowed for a 5.5m road which, by County Council standards, was deemed sufficient to accommodate a site of up to 300 dwellings.


Councillor Moir referred to the plans for the access and the proposed parking bays which would line the access road. He felt the positioning of those bays and the access and egress to the proposed estate, would be reliant on good driving skills from anyone using them. There was a potential that any bad parking in those bays could impinge on the access road.


In response, the Highways Officer clarified that the bays would be of standard measurements and so were considered acceptable.


Councillor Bell believed the application would be an opportunity to tidy up the appearance of land at the site which those on the site visit earlier that day, had witnessed was currently in an unpleasant condition. Therefore seconded by Councillor Laing, Councillor Bell moved approval of the application.



That the application be approved, subject to the conditions outlined in the report.



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