Agenda item

Housing Stock Transfer Offer Document


The Cabinet considered a joint report of the Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development and Corporate Director, Resources which sought approval of the Council’s proposed Offer Document to begin formal consultation with the Council’s secure and introductory tenants on the transfer proposals (for copy see file of minutes).


The Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development advised of an amendment to recommendation 2 in that delegated authority be given to the Corporate Director for Regeneration and Economic Development in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Resources, and Economic Regeneration.


Joyce Lovack (Chair of the Stock Transfer Customer Working Group), John Grantham (Vice Chair of the Stock Transfer Customer Working Group) and  Sam Woodrow, a tenant and former Chairman of the Stock Transfer Steering Group, advised of their involvement in progressing with the proposed stock transfer, and support for the proposals.


Cabinet members asked that their thanks and appreciation of the work undertaken by the Stock Transfer Steering Group, and Stock Transfer Customer Working Group be relayed to those involved. They also expressed their thanks to Cllr E Tomlinson for progressing this, and to Clive Robson, former Cabinet portfolio holder for housing for the work he undertook while in his remit, and the officers who had been involved.




That the recommendations contained in the report, with the amendment to recommendation 2 as detailed above, be approved.  


Supporting documents: