Agenda item

Such other business as in the opinion of the Chairman of the Meeting is of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration.


The Deputy Monitoring Officer advised that a letter had been hand delivered earlier that morning, addressed to the members of the Standards Committee, by a member of the public who had previously taken a number of complaints to the Committee for consideration for copy see file of Minutes). It was requested that the letter be considered during the meeting and as such copies were circulated to all present.


As the letter contained direct references her, the Chair of the Committee offered to leave the room while the matter was considered. Unanimously, the Members of the Committee believed it unnecessary for the Chair to leave the room, as such she remained in the meeting.


Having been given an opportunity to consider and debate the contents of the letter, Members determined that the issues raised therein had previously been subject of thorough debate. The Deputy Monitoring Office was therefore directed to respond accordingly and advise that the Members of the Committee considered the correspondence to be closed.




That the Deputy Monitoring Officer prepare a response on behalf of the Standards Committee in accordance with their views.