Agenda item

Quarter 3, 2013/14 Performance Management Report

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive – Performance and Improvement Team Leader, Regeneration and Economic Development.


The Chairman thanked the Performance and Planning Manager, Regeneration and Economic Development, Graham Tebbutt who was in attendance to speak to Members in relation to the Quarter 3, 2013/14 Performance Management Report (for copy see file of minutes).


The Performance and Planning Manager reminded Members of the different types of indicators reported, Tracker indicators and Target indicators.


Councillors noted that some of the key achievements in Quarter 3 included: the number of empty properties being brought back into use exceeding target; the number of private sector homes improved as a consequence of Local Authority intervention exceeding target; and the number of homes being brought up to the decent homes standard being ahead on track for the year end.


Members noted progress with Council Plan actions, such as: the delivery of Durham City projects including Freeman’s Reach and North Road Bus Station; awards received in respect of Tourism projects, namely the Lindisfarne Gospels and Lumiere; the Housing Stock Transfer Project; and the renewal/refurbishment of 4 Gypsy Roma Traveller sites.


It was added that key performance issues going forward included the number of major planning applications being determined within 13 weeks, noting the implementation of new planning software.


It was added that Council Plan actions behind target included: the County Durham Plan (CDP), with the pre-enquiry meeting being moved from June to July 2014; works at the A167 roundabout at Chester-le-Street now to take place between April and August 2014; the revised completion of the Bishop Auckland rail station, albeit only in respect of broadband access in a passenger waiting room; and revised timescales relating to the East Durham rail station, now March 2015.  It was noted that one action had been deleted in respect of traffic signals in Durham City relating to lack of grant funding.  


Members noted the Tracker Indicators set out within the report including: a slight fall in the employment rate, with a continued decrease in the number of Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) claimants aged 18-24; and an increase of those accessing JSA for one year or more.

It was explained that there was a decrease in the number of apprenticeship starts for young people in comparison to the previous year, however, the number of starts for the 19-24 year old cohort had a small increase of 3% in comparison to the previous year.  It was added that there had been a slight improvement in child poverty figures and there had been a significant increase in the number of housing completions.  Members learned that homelessness figures had remained static, however the new triage process in place could be responsible for preventing figures increasing, noting 1 in 4 being prevented.  The Committee noted the increase in families rehoused via DKO and the figures in relation to young people Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEETs), as also reported at the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee. 


The Performance and Planning Manager explained that new developments in relation to the “Altogether Wealthier” priority theme included: work ongoing in relation to the draft European Structural Investment Fund (ESIF) Strategy from the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (NELEP); the draft North East Strategic Economic Plan, developed by a number of partners; and the Combined Authority. 


The Chairman thanked the Performance and Planning Manager and asked Members for their questions on the report.


The Committee asked questions in relation to: the reduction in the number of young people claiming JSA, were they finding work of moving to another benefit; the number of “not knowns” in relation to NEET figures; the decrease in apprenticeships and information breaking down the types of apprenticeships starts; the homelessness statistics, specifically if 1 in 4 are preventions, does it follow that 3 in 4 result in a person being homeless; information in relation to the number of people accessing food banks; and information not being available via the new planning portal. 


The Performance and Planning Manager explained that destinations of young people was not always known, it may be possible to speak to JobCentre Plus as regards and data they may have and further information on “not knowns” could be sought.  It was noted that there was not a decrease in the number of apprenticeships available, rather a decrease in the places being taken up and that the names of the employers that had taken on apprenticeships was known, therefore the types of apprenticeships should be able to be ascertained.  It was explained that the homelessness figures related to those at risk of becoming homeless, and Councillors N Martin and J Clare noted work that had been undertaken in reducing the numbers of rough sleepers, the “no second night out” policy and the Authority not using bed and breakfast style accommodation, rather using appropriate accommodation.

The Committee noted that 3 food banks reported their figures, at Chester-le-Street, Durham City and Ferryhill and it may be possible to obtain this information for Members.  The Performance and Planning Manager noted that the new planning portal was online, moving from 3 systems to the new single system, with historic data was being transferred to the new system.




That the report be noted.

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