Agenda item

Members' Reference Group Report

(i)              Report of the Assistant Chief Executive.

(ii)             Report of the Members’ Reference Group.


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer referred Members to the update report as regards the Members’ Reference Group (MRG) looking at the implications of changes in Government funding and policy on the economy of County Durham (for copy see file of minutes).


Members were referred to the draft report of the Members’ Reference Group which had incorporated the comments made by the Committee at the last meeting.  It was added that the response from the Regeneration and Economic Development service grouping and therefore the Committee were asked for any final comments prior to submission of the report to Cabinet. 





(i)              That the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee agreed the report of the Members’ Reference Group.

(ii)             That the report of the Members’ Reference Group be submitted to Cabinet for consideration.

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