Agenda item

Council Plan 2014-2017 - Refresh of the Work Programme

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive.


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer referred Members to the report relating to the Council Plan 2014-2017 - Refresh of the Work Programme for the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee (for copy see file of minutes).


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer explained that the report was the first stage in the usual annual process of setting the work programme for the Committee, in the context of the “Altogether Wealthier” priority theme as set out in the Council Plan 2014-2017.  Members were reminded that the next meeting of the Committee would consider a draft work programme and project plan, based upon the comments from Members brought forward at the meeting today.  Councillors were informed that the meeting of Council, 2 April 2014 had considered and approved the refresh of the Sustainable Community Strategy and Council Plan with the “Altogether Wealthier” section attached at Appendix 2 to the report in the agenda pack.


The Committee noted that the work undertaken by the Committee over the last year was set out within the report and it was for Members to suggest topics for further investigation, taking on board issues raised from performance reporting, upcoming legislation and issues discussed at the Committee. 


The Chairman thanked the Overview and Scrutiny Officer and asked Members for their questions.


The Chairman noted the issue of the Strategic Economic Plan for the NELEP and Councillor P Stradling reminded Members of the need to keep in mind the implications of Medium Term Financial Plan savings that were required and to consider the resources and capacity available in order to carry out reviews.




(i)              That the content of the report be noted.

(ii)             That the Committee receive a further report detailing the Committee’s work           programme for 2014-2015 at the meeting on the 23 June 2014.


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