Agenda item

CE/13/01551/FPA - Land to the rear of Peterlee Post Office, Yoden Way, Peterlee, Co. Durham

Siting of cabin accommodation for recycled clothing (retrospective).


The Committee considered a report of the Planning Officer regarding an application for the siting of cabin accommodation for recycled clothing (retrospective) at land to the rear of Peterlee Post Office, Yoden Way, Peterlee, Co Durham (for copy see file of minutes).


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site.


Councillor Davinson queried whether the Planning Authority had any powers to order the removal of the cabin accommodation, given that the application was retrospective. He was also concerned about the loss of parking bays and felt that more bays than just the 3 referred to by the applicant, would be lost. He further queried whether business rates applied to the cabin and also whether the Planning Authority charged rent on the cabin.


The Principal Planning Officer clarified that the Planning Authority did have enforcement powers to require the premises to be removed should the applicant fail to do so voluntarily on expiry of the temporary approval period. Furthermore the Planning Authority could pursue action in the future should the condition of the cabin deteriorate. The Committee were advised that temporary permissions were regularly renewed in similar circumstances.


In relation to the loss of parking bays, the Principal Planning Officer acknowledged there was a potential for in excess of 3 bays to be lost because of the cabin, but the highways officer offered no objection.


In relation to the query regarding business rates, Members were advised that the information would be passed on to the Revenues and Benefits department.


Seconded by Councillor Bleasdale, Councillor Lethbridge moved approval of the application.



That the application be approved, subject to the conditions outlined in the report.


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