Agenda item

CE/13/01568/OUT - Land to the South of Wellfield Road, Wingate

Residential development comprising 161 dwellings including details of access (outline/resubmission).



The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an application for residential development comprising 161 dwellings including details of access (outline/resubmission) at land to the South of Wellfield Road, Wingate (for copy see file of Minutes).

The Senior Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site. Members had visited the site earlier in the day and were familiar with the location and setting.

Councillor L Taylor, local Member, addressed the Committee. He advised that there were numerous vacant properties within the village and as such there was not a demand for further residential development in that area. Members were advised there were currently 89 empty dwellings in Wingate and another 147 either up for sale or to let. In addition, Councillor Taylor was led to believe that the site of the now vacant Fir Tree Public House within the village, was expected to be subject of a future application for 20 dwellings.

Councillor Taylor expressed concern regarding the entrance of the development being adjacent to a pinch point; he felt that this would create a huge problem with traffic congestion in that area and was surprised that the Highways Authority did not raise any objections in that regard. He advised Members that within the last at peak periods there was significant congestion in the area, with delays of up to 15 minutes at both ends of Wellfield Road.

Councillor Taylor advised that there was a problem with flooding at the site and a nearby bungalow had been built on a concrete raft due to these issues. He also raised concerns about the proposed school extension; he felt that there was no space on the site to expand the school accordingly.  

The Committee were advised that there were insufficient local resources to support further development and the local doctors were unable to cope with any increase in local population.

Mr G Reid, Clerk to Wingate Parish Council, addressed the Committee. He reiterated those comments made by Councillor L Taylor but also stated that the Parish Council had particular concerns regarding the effect the proposed development would have on local services, particularly education. He felt that the school did not have the room to build an extra classroom that it would need to accommodate the increased residency.

The Highways Officer clarified that the junctions near the proposed entrance of the site would be operating within their capacities. A transport assessment had been produced and at the access to the development it was estimated there would be approximately 100 trips per peak hour, distributed equally in both directions on Wellfield Road. This was acceptable and so the Highways Authority had no reservations in that regard.

In relation to the pinch point, the Committee were advised that it was not a traffic calming measure though did have that affect, as such it was a benefit to have it in such close proximity to the access of the development.

Mr J Wyatt, agent for the applicant, addressed the Committee. He found the officers report to be comprehensive and concurred with its content. The application had been resubmitted to take into account the concerns previously raised by Natural England.

In terms of demand for the development, Mr Wyatt advised that the applicant would not be proposing to undertake such a significant and expensive development within Wingate if there was evidence to suggest there was no demand.

The Senior Planning Officer responded to the points raised as follows:-

  • Vacant properties - figures suggested that there was no noticeable difference between Wingate and other locations in East Durham and those figures were market led.
  • Flooding – Neither the Environment Agency or Northumbrian Water had raised any concerns in respect of the application and the run off would be no greater than on a greenfield site.
  • Education Resources – Planning Policy had recommended appropriate financial contributions to be made by the developer  and the criteria used for calculating contributions came from the Department for Education.

Councillor Conway referred to paragraph 67 and 86 of the report regarding the weight given to the emerging County Durham Plan and the NPPF. He stated there were a number of unresolved issues and that the existing Local Plan should continue to be the primary key document.

In relation to the school, Councillor Conway felt that the Committee were unable to comment on whether the school would have the capacity to expand because they had not visited it. He also expressed concern regarding the issues with flooding on the site and felt more information would have been helpful.

Councillor Dixon found the emerging County Durham Plan to be the relevant document. In relation to education resources, he was satisfied with the proposed financial contribution and he further noted that the NHS were accepting of the application.

The Senior Planning Officer explained the varying levels of regard which should be given to the three key documents (Saved Local Plan, emerging County Durham Plan and the NPPF). He responded to the points raised as follows:-

  • Flooding – advice had been taken from Northumbrian Water and the Environment Agency and condition 6 required that the development should only be carried out in accordance with the approved Flood Risk Assessment.


Further to a query from Councillor Dixon, the Solicitor provided an explanation for paragraph 90 of the report which referred to social and intermediate rents.

Councillor Holland expressed concerns that the Committee had not looked at the pressures on the school and he felt that £237,380 was not enough to deal with the situation.


Seconded by Councillor Bleasdale, Councillor Dixon moved approval of the application.



That the application be approved, subject to the conditions outlined in the report.


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