Agenda item

Combined Authority - Update

(i)       Joint Report of the Assistant Chief Executive and the Corporate      Director of Regeneration and Economic Development.

(ii)      Presentation by the Spatial Policy Team Leader, Regeneration and Economic Development.



The Chairman thanked the Spatial Policy Team Leader, Regeneration and Economic Development, Maria Antoniou who was in attendance to give a update as regards the Combined Authority for the North East (for copy see file of minutes).


The Spatial Policy Team Leader reminded Members that she had attended the Committee previously to explain the proposals for a Combined Authority (CA) and reminded Members that a requirement of the Government’s consultation was to demonstrate local support.  It was noted that online surveys had been set up, focus groups organised and stakeholders consulted, including the Overview and Scrutiny functions at the 7 Local Authorities involved.  Members noted the responses received, with approximately 75% of respondents being supportive of the proposals.  It was explained that Government consultation ran from 7 November 2013 to 2 January 2014 and the 7 Local Authorities, Tyne and Wear Integrated Transport Authority and NELEP had responded in support of a CA.  Members noted the name for the CA would be publically “rebranded” from its formal technical name, similar to other CAs that had been set up in the Country, to be known as the “North East Combined Authority”.  It was explained that the Constitution and Operating Agreement for the CA were being drafted and discussed and Members were reminded that the North East Leadership Board was chaired by the Leader of Durham County Council, Councillor S Henig.  Members were given information in relation to the Committees of the CA and noted the next steps were: for both Houses of Parliament to consider the Order to establish the CA, 7 March 2014; for the Order to be signed April 2014, the first public meeting of the CA to be held in April 2014; and Local Growth Deal negotiations to take place between April and July 2014.


The Chairman thanked the Spatial Policy Team Leader and asked Members for their questions on the report and presentation.


Councillors asked questions in relation to the risk in relation to the Integrated Transport Authority boundaries; and the constitution for the CA.


The Spatial Policy Team Leader noted that in respect of transport delivery, it was complex issue, though the risk in relation to liabilities such as the Tyne Tunnel and the Metro had been mitigated as changes to transport arrangements would require a unanimous vote by the CA.  It was added that the Order was being considered by Parliament and was the starting point for a CA, noting that other CAs already established had then developed their constitutions accordingly. 

It was added that the appropriate Legal Officers relating to the CA would be contacted as regards further information.  The Chairman referred Members to the recommendations within the report, noting they were to note progress and receive further information on the CA at future meetings of the Committee.




(i)       That the information within the report and presentation be noted.

(ii)      That the Committee receive further updates on the development of the Combined     Authority at future meetings of the Committee.


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