Agenda item

The Localism Bill - Standards - Report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services



Consideration was given to a report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services advising Members of the key provisions of the Localism Bill in relation to Standards (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Deputy Monitoring Officer outlined the report and advised that the Committee would be kept informed of any future relevant developments. Members were keen to see a Standards Committee remain within the authority past the inception of the Localism Bill, even though it was recognised that a future Committee may not have the powers that the current Standards Committee had. Members requested that plans for the future of standards within the authority be explored well in advance of the Localism Bill receiving Royal Assent.


It was further suggested that the authority work closely with the County Durham Association of Local Councils in establishing plans for the future. Furthermore it was suggested that implementing a collective relationship for Standards between Durham County Council, Durham Police Authority and County Durham and Darlington Fire Authority also be given consideration.


The Chair advised that she had already entered discussions with the Monitoring Officer on the issue. Further opinion on the future of Standards was being sought and meetings would be held with appropriate partners. The Chair would communicate the wishes of the members of the Committee in all future discussions on the matter and the Committee were assured that they would be kept updated.




That the report be noted and the Chair communicate the Committee’s views to the Monitoring Officer.


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