Agenda item

Past Deputy Mayor or Mayoress and Consort Jewels - Report of the Clerk to the Charter Trustees


Traditionally each year at Mayor Making the retiring Mayor or Mayoress and Consort are presented with “Jewels” in the form of Medals, in recognition of their service to the City of Durham. At the last meeting, Trustees raised the question of awarding additional medals to the past Deputy Mayor and Consort and whether to backdate this in view of the conjoining of Mayor and Chairman of Durham County Council.


Charter Trustees considered a report of the Clerk to the Charter Trustees which detailed potential costs of additional awards (for copy see file of minutes).


In response to a question from Councillor M Wilkes regarding the number of quotations that had been obtained, the Mayors Secretary replied that the prices quoted were from the company that had supplied the Mayor’s medals for many years. This utilised an existing dye which would have to replicated by any new provider with increased costs. Members agreed that the quality of previous medals was good and there was no other reason to change supplier.


Councillor N Martin commented that there were sufficient funds in the reserves to accommodate the costs of the additional awards.


Seconded by Councillor Armstrong, Councillor N Martin moved that the past Deputy Mayor/Consorts be awarded silver gilt medals in recognition of service to the City of Durham when they did not ordinarily succeed to Mayor/Consort.




That silver gilt medals be awarded to past Deputy Mayor/Consorts when they would not ordinarily succeed to Mayor/Consort in recognition of service to the City of Durham.




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