Agenda item

CE/12/01628/FPA - Land at Hilltop Farm, Ramside Hall Hotel, Carville, Durham, DH1 1TD

13 no. dwellings with associated garaging and landscaping.


The Committee considered the report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an application for 13 no. dwellings with associated garaging and landscaping on land at Hilltop Farm, Ramside Hall Hotel, Carville, Durham, DH1 1TD (for copy see file of minutes).


The Senior Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site and Members were reminded that the application was recommended for approval subject to referral to Secretary of State and subject to conditions.


Mr W Barnett, agent for the applicant, addressed the Committee. He began by thanking the officers for their involvement, commenting that they had been instrumental in bringing forward a rare opportunity to build on the greenbelt. Mr Barnett felt the development was of a sustainable design and highlighted that the dwellings would be highly insulated, environmentally positive and have low energy values. The development had been modelled carefully to mitigate any adverse impact and Mr Barnett felt that the development would contribute to the attractive setting of Durham.


In response to several questions from Members the Senior Planning Officer addressed concerns from Members in relation to the submission of the application and informed the Committee that the original outline application had been referred to the Secretary of State, but as this was considered a new application it was also required to be referred. Members were informed that the Deed of Variation was currently in draft form.


Councillor B Moir thanked the work of the Officers and moved the application be approved seconded by Councillor A Laing.



The application be approved subject to referral to Secretary of State and in the event that the application is not called in, subject to the conditions outlined within the report and a Deed of Variation which ties the application to the original Section 106 legal agreement.




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