Agenda item

Chairman's Announcements


(a)       Queen’s Birthday Honours


The Chairman reported that the Council’s Corporate Director of Children and Adults Services, Rachael Shimmin had been awarded an OBE for Services to Social Care.  Durham County Councillor, Councillor Anita Savory had been awarded an MBE for public and voluntary services to communities in Weardale and Wolsingham and the Chief Constable of Durham Constabulary, Mike Barton, had been awarded the Queens Police Medal, in the Queen’s Birthday Honours.



That the Council place on record its congratulations to Rachael Shimmin, Councillor Savory and Mike Barton on their honours.


(b)       Charity fundraising


The Chairman announced and placed on record his congratulations to Councillor Laing who had raised £1020 for ‘Help for Heroes’, on the 21 May 2014.  The Council expressed their appreciation for Councillor Laing and gave her a round of applause.


(c)       Stanley School Bus Crash


The Chairman referred to the recent bus crash which occurred in Stanley. A joint letter from the Chairman and Vice-Chairman had been sent to staff and pupils of St Bede's, Lanchester and Tanfield School, expressing their best wishes.  The Chairman also placed on record his appreciation for all the hard work of the emergency services involved in the incident which occurred on 3 June 2014.


(d)       Conduct at meetings


For the benefit of those Councillors who had not been present at the annual meeting of the Council, the Chairman reminded the Council that, at the conclusion of meetings, all Councillors were to remain in the Chamber. This was to allow himself, the Vice-Chairman and Officers on the dais to exit the Chamber. Councillors would then be free to leave the Chamber. The Chairman also reminded Councillors that they should rise and address the Chairman when speaking.