Agenda item

Leader's Report


Councillor Henig provided the Council with an update report which included the following:


The County Council had already cut £110m from its annual budget in 2010 and would have to have to make similar cuts over the next three years.  Recent presentations by the government had left the Council in no doubt that there would be worse times to follow.  All services would need to be reviewed and the number of Council owned buildings would need to radically reduce.  Expressions of interest from community groups to take over the running of facilities had already commenced.  The Leader of the Council stated that the traditional model of service delivery, by a local authority, providing local services, was no more.


The Leader of the Council announced that the Council would continue to help residents wherever possible and highlighted that the governments ‘bedroom tax’ had impacted on 7,500 residents across County Durham.  Discretionary payments and the Council Tax reduction scheme had helped to keep rent arrears down across the County.


The Welfare Assistance Scheme which helped the most vulnerable of residents had helped over 900 people in 2013/14, with around £365,000 worth of assistance.


The Council had also set aside £500,000 towards an employability scheme and the County Council would continue to assist residents though the austere times.


Two meetings of the Combined Authority had been held since its creation in mid-April. The Leader of the Council had been elected as Chair.  The Authority had also met with the Rt. Hon. Gregg Clarke MP.


The Leader had visited the Hitachi site at Newton Aycliffe which he reported was progressing well.


The County Durham programme of events and festivals had commenced with the Bishop Auckland Food Fesitval and Pearl Izumi Tour Series. The next event would be the Streets of Brass Festival in Durham City.