Agenda item

Questions from the Public


A number of questions had been received from the public, briefly summarised as follows:-


      i.        garage tenancies and rights in the East Durham area;

    ii.        respite care for elderly carers;

   iii.        voting on the closure of each home individually in the review of residential care services;

   iv.        the County Council’s justification with regard to the closure of Newtown House and how could the Council provide a comprehensive integrated health and social care solution close to people’s homes in Weardale if residential care is missing from the equation;

    v.        statements made by the Council regarding Newtown House;

   vi.        the Overview and Scrutiny function and its exercise of its right to ‘call in’ a key decision;

  vii.        the criteria used by the Council used for measuring how much importance was attached to the outcome of the public consultation regarding care homes;

viii.        the number of occasions in the recent past where the outcome of public consultation subsequently been clearly reflected in the decision taken by Durham County Council;

   ix.        reconsideration of the Council’s decision to close Newtown House;

    x.        adequate care for the people of Weardale in Weadale;

   xi.        rural proofing and the unique needs of the ageing population in the rural community of Weardale;

  xii.        Have the County Council made a reasonable effort to ensure that Newtown House remains viable and remains open;

xiii.        human Rights and respect of the United Nations Principles on Rights of Older Persons with regard to a person’s participation, self-fulfilment and dignity;


With reference to the first question, (regarding garages in the East Durham area). The gentleman was unable to attend the meeting and would receive a written response to his question following the meeting.  Responses to the other questions were made by the relevant Cabinet Portfolio Holders.


The Head of Legal and Democratic Services informed the Council that all those who had submitted questions would receive a written response to their questions and both the questions and responses would be published on the Council’s website, following the meeting.

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