Agenda item

Minutes of the meeting held on 28 February 2014


The minutes of the meeting held on 28 February 2014 were agreed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


The Chairman sought an update on the disaster recovery process, following a question by Mr Hoban at the last meeting.  The Corporate Director Resources informed the Committee that the back-up plans had worked when tested recently, and officers on site were fully aware of the processes.


Consideration was given to all current items on the Committee’s Action Plan (for copy of action plan see file of Minutes) with dates set when these would be reported back to Committee. The Plan would be updated accordingly.


The Corporate Director, Resources updated the Committee on Windlestone Hall.  The Committee were informed that a planning application had been submitted for executive housing but that as it was Grade II listed building, profits would have to be put back into the Hall, a requirement of English Heritage.


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