Agenda item

DM/14/00041/FPA - Former Council Offices, Seaside Lane, Easington, County Durham, SR8 3TN

80 Dwellings with associated infrastructure, landscaping and car parking.



The Committee considered the report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an application for 80 dwellings with associated infrastructure, landscaping and car parking at the former Council Offices, Seaside Lane, Easington, County Durham, SR8 3TN (for copy see file of minutes).  Members had visited the site the previous day and were familiar with the location and setting.


The Area Team Leader gave a detailed presentation on the application. Members were advised that since preparation of the report, officers in the Education department had confirmed that there were sufficient places at Easington Colliery Primary School and Easington Academy to accommodate the additional pupils likely to be produced from the development.


Further to a query from Councillor Laing, the Area Team Leader explained that the housing density figures in the County Durham Plan was a standard density across all sites. When individual sites came forward they were then looked at in closer detail, as such a higher housing density could be applied. For the Planning Authority to object to a higher housing density, it would need to demonstrate that the development would prejudice the delivery of the County Durham Plan.


In response to a query from Councillor A Bell the Area Team Leader advised that the Planning Authority would usually negotiate with a developer in relation to when a S106 agreement would be delivered. There were various triggers as to when would be appropriate, however assurance was given that a S106 provision would never be left until a development was completed.


Seconded by Councillor Bleasdale, Councillor Laing moved approval of the application.


Resolved: That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions outlined within the report.


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