Agenda item

DM/14/01010/FPA - 57 Ocean View, Blackhall Rocks, Durham

Demolition of rear extension, erection of rear two storey and single storey extension and single storey front extension (Resubmission).


The Committee considered the report of the  Planning Officer regarding an application for the demolition of a rear extension, erection of a rear two storey and single storey extension and a single storey front extension (resubmission) at 57 Ocean View, Blackhall Rocks, Durham (for copy see file of minutes).


Members had visited the site the previous day and were familiar with the location.


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site.


Councillor L Pounder, local Member, addressed the Committee. Councillor Pounder advised that both local Members supported the application for various reasons.


The porch extension was considered acceptable by planning officers and having visited the site, Councillor Pounder felt the proposals were not out of scale or character with the surrounding area. The proposals would have no serious adverse effect and so accorded with local plan policy 35 and did not compromise road safety or parking, thus complying with local plan policy 73. There had been no objections from any consultees or any neighbours.


Members were advised that the rear of the property was not visible from the road and so the rear extension would not have any adverse impact and the proposed extensions were smaller in footprint than a similar extension which had been approved at a nearby property.


Mr Collinson, applicant, addressed the Committee and reiterated the reasons for the application as set out within his statement detailed in the officers report.


The Principal Planning Officer advised that the case was put forward by officers to refuse the application and was detailed within the report.


Seconded by Councillor Holland, Councillor Laing moved approval of the application on the basis that the application satisfied saved policies 35 and 73 and that there had been no objections from the applicants neighbours. Councillor Holland commented that having seen on the site visit a similar but larger extension to a neighbouring property, he could not object to the application.


Councillor Clark found the design proposals to be very sensitive in that there would be very few windows, thus causing no adverse impact to neighbours.


The Principal Planning Officer suggested that should Members be minded to vote approval of the application, that standard conditions should be drafted by officers regarding commencement of works within 3 years, that development should accord with existing plans and materials to be used should be specified.


Upon a vote being taken it was:-


Resolved:- That the application be approved subject to conditions to be drafted by officers relating to materials, commencement of work and working to existing plans.


Standing Orders were suspended at this juncture to allow the meeting to continue past 3 hours.


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