Agenda item

DM/14/01023/FPA - Former Cinema, The Avenue, Coxhoe, Durham, DH6 4AA

Partial demolition of former cinema and erection of 5 no. dwellings with associated works (Resubmitted).


The Committee considered the report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an application for the partial demolition of a former cinema and the erection of 5 no. dwellings with associated works (resubmitted) at the Former Cinema, The Avenue, Coxhoe, Durham, DH6 4AA (for copy see file of minutes).


Members had visited the site the previous day and were familiar with the location.


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site. 


Councillor M Williams, local Member, addressed the Committee. He advised that local Members had not requested that the application come before the Committee because they objected to the application, but only because they had concerns regarding road safety. Local Members had asked for the developer to look at re-routing the traffic at the junction adjacent to the application site in order to improve road safety in that area. Local Members would also like to see a few less dwellings developed at the site rather than the 5 detailed within the application.


Mr G Hodgson, agent for the applicant, addressed the Committee.  Mr Hodgson provided Members with an overview of the plans for the development.


Members were advised that permission had previously been granted for the same development at that site some years earlier, however had not been progressed because of the change in the economic climate.


Mr Hodgson advised that from the developers point of view 5 dwellings was necessary to make the development economically viable. The developer was committed to seeing the development through and felt it would be a welcome addition to the area.


Members were advised that other than the Highways Authority, no other statutory consultee had objected to the application. In relation to the concerns expressed by highways, Mr Hodgson advised that the while the applicant acknowledged the issues raised, he felt that the advantages of the new development outweighed those concerns.


The Highways Officer addressed the Committee and reiterated the reasons set out in the report as to why the application was considered to be detrimental to highway safety.


Councillor Davinson moved approval of the application, noting that an additional 5 dwellings would only generate approximately 40 additional journeys per day from local dwellings.


In referring to the transport issues detailed in the report, Councillor Holland noted that there were already numerous cars using the back street behind the site which were already subject to the highway dangers which had been alluded to. As there were no reports of any highway incidents involving any of those vehicles, Councillor Holland felt that the extra vehicles from 5 more properties would not cause extra problems. He also stated that former cinema building appeared to be very dangerous in its current state and was very much in need of regeneration.


Councillor Kay seconded the motion of approval from Councillor Davinson, noting that the same application had been approved some years earlier and so the development could have already been completed had it not been for the economic downturn.


Councillor Clark echoed Councillor Holland in relation to the dilapidated condition of the former cinema building and she sought assurance from the applicants agent that the development would be completed this time should the application be approved. Mr Hodgson clarified that the applicant would be looking to commence development within 3 years, indeed work had already commenced but was stopped in order to get planning permission.


Councillor Laing queried whether the applicant could be instructed to demolish the building with immediate effect because of the dangers it posed. The Principal Planning Officer advised that the planning department would liaise with Building Control and Environmental Health which would have appropriate powers to require demolition took place.


The Principal Planning Officer suggested that should Members be minded to move approval of the application, that conditions should be drafted by officers regarding specifics such as materials, coal mining assessment, boundary enclosures, work hours, ecology, highway signage and commencement of works.


Upon a vote being taken it was:-


Resolved:- That the application be approved subject to conditions to be drafted by officers relating to materials, coal mining assessment, boundary enclosures, work hours, ecology, highway signage and commencement of works.



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