Agenda item

Appointment of Co-optees - Verbal Update


The Head of Planning and Performance reported that interviews for Co-opted members had taken place at the beginning of June 2014 and appointments were made to the following Overview and Scrutiny Committees:-


  • Children and Young Peoples Scrutiny

Keith Gilfillan and David Kinch


  • Environment and Sustainable Communities Scrutiny

Tom Bolton and Pam Spurrell


  • Safer and Stronger Communities Scrutiny                

Tony Cooke and Jim Welch


  • Adults, Wellbeing and Health Scrutiny

Rosemary Hassoon and Betty Carr


  • Economy and Enterprise

Ian McLaren and Ted Henderson


Councillor A Hopgood commented that she had been unable to take part in the interview process due to the date changes and would be interested to know the number of minority party representatives that were on the interview panels. The Head of Planning and Performance responded that the date changes were due to the applicants’ availability and she would provide Councillor Hopgood with the information requested.