Agenda item

Development of Renewable Technologies in County Durham - Update on Recommendations

Joint report of the Assistant Chief Executive and Corporate Director of Regeneration and Economic Development.


The Committee received a joint report of the Assistant Chief Executive and Corporate Director Regeneration and Economic Development which provided an update on progress made in relation to the recommendations contained within the ‘Development of Renewable Technologies in County Durham’ Scrutiny review report (for copy see file of minutes).


Principal Sustainable & Climate Change Officer proceeded to run through the recommendations and actions which had been implemented or were ongoing.


Councillor Armstrong asked whether the match funding that was required for the ERDF was likely to be found. In response it was noted that the team were fairly confident that match funding would be achieved from partners.


In addition Councillor Armstrong commented that a lot of calls were received by residents relating to replacement boilers but asked whether it was known what happened in the cases where there was no gas and homes relied upon solid fuel. In response it was noted that it would have to be profitable for the providers to extend the gas network to cover properties currently using solid fuel.


Councillor Graham asked whether there was any way of monitoring take-up by residents contacted by private providers..  Members were informed that as they are private companies it is difficult to monitor.


Further discussion took place sustainable development and what the government’s plans were for future building and planning control standards.


Discussion then ensued on the subject of biomass boilers and the Warm Up North Scheme. The Principal Sustainable & Climate Change Officer advised that the scheme had an extremely complicated application process however the team were able to offer advice and assistance to householders.


Councillor Hall further asked whether the team engaged with housing associations. In response the Principal Sustainable & Climate Change Officer advised that the team did regularly communicate with housing associations as this allowed for easier implementation of actions.




That the content of the report be noted.


That the Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny committee receive a further update on progress made against recommendations at a future meeting of the committee.




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