Report of the Assistant Chief Executive.
The Committee considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive which provided an updated work programme for the Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny for 2014-2015 (for copy see file of minutes).
The Corporate Scrutiny and Performance Manager suggested that the following three areas be explored by members to identify a topic for focused scrutiny review:-
· Environmental review of cleanliness, fly tipping.
· Waste & Recycling
· Conservation, partnerships and how we used our woodlands.
Councillors Armstrong commented that bullet points 1 and 2 above were standard items that the committee would receive regular updates on via the performance reports and the waste programme reports.
Councillor Hall commented that he considered conservation of woodlands, their uses, biodiversity and potential income was a good topic to look into further.
In addition Councillor Stradling also agreed that this would be a good topic to explore and other members also concurred with this proposal.
The Corporate Scrutiny and Performance Manager advised that the work programme would be revised to include the topic selected for scrutiny review purposes..
That the content of the report be noted and that the work programme be revised to reflect the topic identified by the Committee for focused scrutiny review.
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