Agenda item

Home Affairs Committee Report - Police and Crime Commissioners : Progress to Date - Report of Assistant Chief Executive


The Panel considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive which provided information on the Home Affairs Committee report ‘Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date’ (for copy see file of Minutes).


Councillor Boyes welcomed the recommendation in the report that the PCC publish a forward plan of key decisions which would then allow the Panel to scrutinise these decisions.


The PCC replied that in general terms, the report was seeking how best to engage the skills of PCP Members, and how to maximise its scrutiny powers without usurping the decision powers of the PCC.


Councillor Hovvels suggested that a Task and Finish Group be established to consider the future role of the Panel in light of the Home Affairs Committee report.


Mr Vaulks informed the Panel that it was the Members role to be open, constructive and critical and that the Commissioner had indicated his willingness to work with the Panel.  This was a constructive approach by the Panel and PCC, both of which were in relatively early days of existence.


Councillor Boyes welcomed the response given by the PCC.  Some PCPs were more pro-active than others, in a ‘select committee’ type of role.  There was a need for the Panel to be more pro-active in both the Policing Plan and forward decisions, and Councillor Boyes agreed that a Task and Finish Group be established to further consider this.



That the report be noted and a Task and Finish Group be established to develop the Panel’s Work Programme and consider future roles of the Panel.

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