Agenda item

Appointment of Independent Co-opted Members - Report of Monitoring Officer


The Panel considered a report of the Monitoring Officer regarding the selection criteria for the appointment of the two independent co-opted Members to the Panel, the advertising arrangements and the membership of the appointment Panel (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Panel noted that the terms of office for the current independent co-opted Members ended on 31 October 2014, and discussed what the term of office for the independent members should be thereafter.  The Panel agreed that the term of office for the co-opted Members should follow the cycle of elections for the Constituent Authorities.  This would result in a term of office of three years for the next appointment, and a term of four years for subsequent appointments.



i)                 That the selection criteria for advertising the positions of the two independent members be agreed.

ii)               That the advertising arrangements be agreed

iii)              That the length of term of office be three years from 1 November 2014 until 30 April 2017.

iv)             That the appointment Panel be made up of 5 members of the Police and Crime Panel with at least one representative from each of the constituent authorities.


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