Agenda item

PL/5/2011/0315 - Land adjacent to West View, Murton

Demolition of existing buildings & erection of 2 no. Dwellings and the creation of a dog walker amenity area.


The Committee considered the report of the Principal Planning Officer regarding an application for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of 2 no. dwellings and the creation of a dog walker amenity area at land adjacent to West View, Murton (for copy see file of minutes).


The Principal Planning Officer provided the Committee with a detailed presentation which included photographs of the site and a plan of the proposed layout.  Members were advised that a draft S106 agreement had been submitted earlier that day and would therefore be scrutinised by officers over the coming days for accuracy.

Councillor Conway stated his support for the application however queried whether a condition could be added specifically to address the access issues referred to at paragraph 41 of the report. In response, the Solicitor clarified that the access rights would be better dealt with by the s106 agreement, which would have a legal effect, rather than by imposing a condition.

Councillor Clarke raised concerns with regard to the proposed insular fencing to the south of the site drawing attention to the structure of the fence and how it would be secured and maintained. Furthermore she concurred with Councillor Conway’s suggestion of imposing a condition to address the access issues.

In relation to the fencing, the Principal Planning Officer advised the Committee that the existing boundary would be replaced by the mesh fencing which should be sufficient to see through. The demolition would result in there being no boundary to the east of the site, as such a 1.8m fence would be introduced. The 12m fence was purely the choice of the applicant and Members were reminded that balconies were also proposed as features on the dwellings. Members were advised that any damage to properties from cricket balls in the future would not be the concern of the Planning Authority.

It was again reiterated to the Committee that the legal S106 agreement would better deal with any concerns regarding the access of the site. The Solicitor clarified the benefits of addressing certain obligations for the developer in a legal document.

Seconded by Councillor Clarke, Councillor Bleasdale moved approval of the application.



That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions detailed within the report and the signing of a S106 agreement in relation to access.


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