Agenda item

DM/14/01024/FPA - Land adjacent to 1 Bewley Terrace, New Brancepeth

6 no. Two Bedroom Flats.



The Committee considered the report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding the development of 6no. two bedroom flats at land adjacent to 1 Bewley Terrace, New Brancepeth (for copy see file of minutes).


The Senior Planning Officer provided the Committee with a detailed presentation which included photographs of the site and a plan of the proposed layout.  Members had visited the site earlier that day and were familiar with the location.

Councillor J Chaplow, local Member, addressed the Committee. She was extremely pleased that the application had come forward and was fully in support of the proposals.

Councillor D Bell, local Member, addressed the Committee. He advised that his only concern with the application had been regarding access to the street for residents at no.1 Bewley Terrace. Members were advised that the occupier of no.1 Bewley Terrace owned an out building nearby and so were concerned about vehicles potentially parking in the vicinity of it should they choose to develop it in the future. However the application site was currently a blight site in New Brancepeth and on balance Councillor Bell fully supported the application.

Mr M Abley, agent for the applicant, was in attendance at the meeting and was willing to answer any questions the Committee might have regarding the proposals.

Councillor Lethbridge had been on the site visit earlier that day and concurred that the area was indeed a blight site. As such he fully supported the proposals and moved that the application be approved. Councillor Moir seconded the motion for approval, concurring that the development would be a major improvement to the area.

In response to a query from Councillor Conway, the agent for the applicant advised the there was a shortage of flats in the area, hence the applicant had chosen to develop 6 flats rather than 3 houses.

Councillor Freeman commented that the development could only be an improvement and advantage to the area, he hoped that local Members would be able to deal with the remaining blight site near the development.

Resolved:- That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report.


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