Agenda item

DM/14/00609/FPA - Land At Cain Terrace and Henderson Avenue, Wheatley Hill, Durham

Erection of 65 no. dwellings with associated works.


The Committee considered the report of the Planning Officer regarding the erection of 65 no. dwellings with associated works at land at Cain Terrace and Henderson Avenue, Wheatley Hill, Durham(for copy see file of minutes).


The Principal Planning Officer provided the Committee with a detailed presentation which included photographs of the site and a plan of the proposed layout. Members were advised that local Member Councillor M Nicholls had submitted a representation on the application. As local councillor he fully supported the need for 65 houses on the Cain and Henderson site as it was housing which was badly needed and would enhance the village. The village had a new health centre being built which would support the development. Many people in the area were very supportive of the new development and had been wanting it for a considerable length of time. Traffic calming was also in place to deal with the speeding issues in the Quilstyle Road area.


In response to a query from Councillor A Bell, the Principal Planning Officer clarified that although the proposed dwellings were not specifically affordable by definition, they would be on the market at affordable prices and pricing would be set at a reasonable level for the area.


Councillor Bell was dissatisfied with the lack of S106 contribution or specific affordable housing allocation. The Principal Planning Officer advised that there was a formula for the classification of financial viability on applications and so appropriate advice had been provided.


Councillor Conway concurred with the concerns expressed by Councillor Bell, however was satisfied with the advice which had been provided. Furthermore he acknowledged that the area desperately needed the proposed housing and as such, seconded by Councillor Dearden, he moved approval of the application.



Resolved:- That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report.


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