Agenda item

DM/14/01196/FPA - The Durham Light Infantryman Public House, 110 Gilesgate, Durham

109 Bed Student Accommodation.


The Committee considered the report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding the development of 109 bed student accommodation at The Durham Light Infantryman Public House, 110 Gilesgate, Durham (for copy see file of minutes).


The Senior Planning Officer provided the Committee with a detailed presentation which included photographs of the site and a plan of the proposed layout.  Members had visited the site earlier that day and were familiar with the location.

Mr J Taylor, agent for the applicant, addressed the Committee. Members were advised that the applicant had undertaken an extensive period of pre application consultation to achieve the best possible scheme. While minor concerns regarding design and appearance had been raised during the public consultation, it was felt that the current building was not of any architectural merit and the new development would be an attractive addition to the end of the terrace.

Mr Taylor advised that the scheme would incorporate an acceptable level of parking, in addition there would be a travel plan co-ordinator.

The applicant acknowledged that Durham had a very mixed community and was confident that the scale of the proposed scheme wouild not alter the community balance.

Mr Taylor advised that the market suggested that there was a need for such schemes and that the developer would deliver the scheme very quickly. The site was situated in a sustainable location with easy access to the city cenrtre and within a strong open market housing area.

Councillor Freeman expressed concerns regarding the number of student accommodation applications which had recently been brought forward for consideration. He felt that it would have been preferable had they been presented to the Committee at the same time. He noted that the University predicted an increase in student beds of 1800 by the year 2020, however the Committee had already approved an extra 2300 rooms, despite there being vacant beds throughout the city. Councillor Freeman felt that a strategic approach to future student accommodation development was lacking. Yet the Committee had to be mindful that when considering such applications, student bed numbers could not be taken into consideration.

Notwithstanding those concerns, Councillor Freeman acknowledged that the development would improve the site and the surrounding area, without detracting attention away from the main street.

In relation to parking, although there would be 18 parking spaces provided at the site, Councillor Freeman highlighted that cars could park in the surrounding streets as it was not within the control zone, he therefore queried how the developer would deter that from happening. Councillor Freeman further queried details of the S106 contribution. The Senior Planning Officer advised that unfortunately details of the S106 were not to hand.

In response to a query from Councillor J Clark, the Senior Planning Officer and the agent for the applicant clarified that the gate arrangement at the side of the development would be solid metal and there were no plans to licence the multiuse hub referred to in paragraph 76 of the report.

In response to the queries raised regarding parking, Mr J Taylor clarified that there would be a full management plan for the scheme and that the developer had maintained the parking provision at 15% of the residents which was more than the recommended minimum.

In response to a parking related query from Councillor P Conway, the Senior Planning Officer drew attention to condition 12 which required precise measures regarding parking, access and operation of the gate, prior to development. That condition would serve to ensure that no more than 18 cars would be allowed to park for the development and the agent reassured that the parking provision would be detailed thoroughly in the management plan.

Councillor A Bell found the current site to be in poor condition and felt the scheme would greatly improve the appearance of the area, as such seconded by Councillor Conway, he moved approval of the application.

Resolved:- That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report.


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