Agenda item

Fraud Awareness


The Committee received a presentation from the Chief Internal Auditor and Corporate Fraud Manager about Fraud Awareness (for copy of slides see file of Minutes).


The Chief Internal Auditor and Corporate Fraud Manager highlighted the following points:-


·         What is Fraud?

·         What is Fraud Worth?

·         What is Durham County Council Doing?

·         What our Strategy says

·         Corporate Fraud Approach, including:-

o   Tenancy Fraud

o   Blue Badges

o   Direct Payments

o   Business Rates

o   Single Person Discount

o   Procurement

·         Protecting the Public Purse

·         National Fraud Initiative

·         Single Fraud Investigation Service

·         Fraud Funding

·         Going Forward


Councillor Armstrong asked how academies would fit in to the training aspect for fraud awareness.  He was advised that the same service would be offered to them as with all schools and governors.


The Assistant Finance Manager, Corporate Finance was informed that the Single Person Discount would be reviewed back to April 2013.


The Chairman thanked the Chief Internal Auditor and Corporate Fraud Manager for the interesting presentation.  He added that the team were working together to strengthen the resolve in regards to fraud and he applauded the initiative.