Agenda item

Quarter 1, 2014/15 Performance Management Report:

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive – Performance and Improvement Team Leader, Regeneration and Economic Development.


The Chairman introduced the Performance and Planning Manager, Graham Tebbutt who was in attendance to speak to Members in relation to the Quarter 1 2014/15 Performance Management Report to present progress against the Council’s corporate basket of performance indicators for the Altogether Wealthier theme and report significant performances issues and key achievements for the first quarter of 2014/15 covering the period April to June 2014 (for copy see file of minutes).


The key areas of achievement were as follows:-


·       An improvement in the proportion of planning applications determined in 13 weeks has improved to 77% better than target.

·       514 potential jobs had been created this quarter.

·       117 affordable homes were delivered an increase from the same period last year.

·       1,361 net new homes completed an increase of 102% from last quarter.

·       The proportion of statutory housing solutions applications had improved, reducing to 13.6% this quarter from 13.8% last quarter.

·       Improvement in the proportion of 16 to 18 year olds who are not in education, employment and training (NEET), 6.8% compared to 8.7% for the same quarter last year.


Progress has been made on the following Council Plan and Service Plan actions:


·       Increase in the availability of technology across the County by developing the Digital Durham Programme.

·       Western Relief Road planning application to be submitted in June 2015.

·       Planning consent for the bus station on North Road, Durham is expected in December 2014 with completion in June 2015.

·       Flood Mitigation solution for Elvet waterside had been commissioned but the development brief had been delayed as the university had postponed making a decision on the site.

·       A preferred option for the future of council housing across County Durham.

·       Gypsy Roma Traveller Sites at Adventure Lane, West Rainton; Green Lane, Bishop Auckland; Tower Road, Stanley and Drum Lane, Birtley are being redeveloped. Adventure Lane, West Rainton re-opened on 9 June 2014.

·       After the launch of the empty homes cluster programme 4,600 letters had been sent out to owners of empty homes with 243 people interested.


The key performance Improvement issues were as follows:-


·       The number of empty homes brought back into use as a result of Local Authority intervention was below target.

·       The proportion of council owned housing that meets decency criteria was below target.

·       Number of apprenticeships started through Durham County Council scheme was below target.


In relation to tracker indicators members were informed that:


·       The number of 18 to 24 year olds claiming Job Seekers Allowance. 2,580 this quarter had significantly reduced from 3,415 last quarter and 4,435 for the same quarter last year.

·       The number of people registered on the Durham Key Options scheme (1,228) which had been rehoused had fallen from previous quarter.

·       Occupancy rates in rental units in town centres had declined.

·       The number of passenger journeys on Durham City Park and Ride had declined.


Key Council Plan actions which had not achieved target in this theme include:


·       New roundabout at Sunderland Bridge had been delayed until September 2015.

·       Adoption of the County Durham Plan had been delayed until September 2015.

·       The first Durham County Council market housing scheme for rent and sale was behind schedule and would now be delivered in June 2016.

·       The Park and Ride extension at Sniperley had been delayed to August 2015.


The Chairman thanked the Performance and Planning Manager and continued by asking for clarification as to whether the proportion of the working age population defined as in employment could be broken down into male and female together with detail of any trends in relation to type of work such as full-time or part-time employment.


The Performance and Planning Manager responded that the employment figures were national statistics that did give a breakdown of male and female and full and part time employment and that the information could be produced and circulated to the committee.


The Chairman continued by asking as to whether the reduction in JSA numbers had reduced the employment figures, were individuals coming off JSA and going into employment. 


The Performance and Planning Manager responded that there was no data available to show as to whether those individuals coming off JSA were going into employment.


Councillor Nicholson referred to the empty properties brought back to use which was below target and asked whether a breakdown could be provided of those empty homes within the County which had been brought back into use via the Empty Homes Cluster Programme.


The Performance and Planning Officer responded that the original criteria in relation to the Empty Homes Cluster Programme had been restrictive resulting in a limited number of areas within the County meeting the programme criteria.  However, the criteria has been relaxed which will allow the programme to extend to additional areas within the County. He continued by confirming that a breakdown of where the properties were located could be circulated to the committee.


In relation to the decline in occupancy rates in rental units in town centres members asked as to whether lessons could be learned from Consett, Seaham and Shildon where occupancy rates had increased.


The Performance and Planning Officer responded that intervention work was planned as part of various regeneration schemes within the town centres throughout the County and that in relation to Seaham development had taken place at the dock area which had positively impacted upon the occupancy rates for retail units in the town. He confirmed that he would speak to the regeneration team and ask if there are any trends which can be identified in relation to the three towns identified above.


Members sought clarification as to whether the occupancy rates referred to the number of units or the floor space and commented that when large units closed this had a bigger impact on Town Centres than when smaller units closed. The Planning and Performance Officer responded that the figures referred to the number of units and that the emerging County Durham Plan includes a Retail Needs Assessment which would consider occupancy levels, size of units etc.


Councillor Batey requested as to whether a breakdown could be provided of the type of businesses which have occupied rental units in town centres.


The Performance and Planning officer responded that planning classifications are available and can be circulated to the members of the committee.




That the contents of the report be noted.

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