Agenda item

Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) Site Management Service - Overview:

Report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Economic Development


The Chairman introduced the Housing Gateway and Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) Site Manager, Regeneration & Economic Development, Laura Williams who was in attendance to provide members with background information on the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Site Management Service (for copy see file of minutes).


The Housing Gateway and GRT Site Manager circulated to Members photographs of various permanent GRT sites before and after they had been refurbished and provided an update on the following:-


·       The Gypsy, Roma and Traveller community within County Durham.

·       The Restructure of the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller service.

·       Overview of the 6 permanent sites within the County which are located at:

Adventure Lane, West Rainton;

Ash Green Way, Bishop Auckland;

Drum Lane, Birtley;

East Howle, Ferryhill;

St. Phillips Park, Coundon, Bishop Auckland;

Tower Road, Stanley.

·       Key improvement areas identified by the 2013 review in relation to:

Allocations policy which is out to public consultation and closes on 30th Sept;

Rents on sites;

Improving occupancy rates;

Repair and maintenance;

Financial management;

Role of the site warden.


A key recommendation of the review report related to the level of the pitch fees and associated charges stating that there was a need for them to be reviewed to reflect the improved amenities available post refurbishment and to ensure the management of the sites is self-financing.  The pitch fees have now been reviewed with all new tenants charged the revised fee.  However, consultation on the rent increase had taken place with existing tenants and whilst the majority of residents had accepted the new pitch fees some have opposed the increase which will require a hearing before a tribunal.  Arrangements have been made for the tribunal to be held in October, 2014.


The Chairman thanked the Housing Gateway and GRT Site Manager for the presentation and then continued by asking members if they had any questions.


Members sought clarification on the occupancy figures in view of the rent increase, the period of tenancy on the various sites and whether the figure stated in the report was the weekly rent for a pitch.


The Housing Gateway and GRT Site Manager confirmed that the rents were weekly, that the improved quality of the accommodation on the permanent sites had increased demand with 90% occupancy levels at the Tower Road and Adventure Lane sites.  It was confirmed that arrangements were in place to publicise the accommodation on the sites which were going through the process of refurbishment together with allocation policy.


There was no time limit on tenancy in relation to the sites as they were permanent homes but residents were allowed to leave the site for up to 13 weeks twice a year as long as they still paid the rent for the pitch.


Councillor Stradling requested clarification as to whether the GRT community also had access to social housing.  It was confirmed by the Housing Gateway and GRT Manager that the GRT community does have access to social housing however the GRT sites are purely for use by the GRT community.


Members asked about rent arrears figures and if this information could be circulated and whether the service was cost neutral. Members were advised that the rent arrears figures would be available at the end of September and that there was a rent recovery process in place with the income generated from the individual sites covering the costs of rent recovery.




(i)       That the contents of the report be noted.

(ii)      That the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee receive a further update on the development of the Gypsy Roma and Traveller Site Management Service at a future meeting of the Committee.

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