Agenda item

Housing Stock Transfer Project - Update:

Report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Economic Development.


The Chairman introduced Marie Roe, Housing Directions Manager to provide Members with an update in relation to the progress of the Housing Stock Transfer in particular information on the consultation process and the ballot, next steps in the transfer process and engagement with stakeholders as they move forward (for copy see file of minutes).


Members noted that there were 19,000 homes to be transferred and that the Government had confirmed that the Council had achieved a place on the Governments housing stock transfer programme and that arrangements could proceed to the formal consultation process on the transfer proposal.


There were two stages to the consultation process, the offer document represents the first stage in the formal consultation process and began in early June.  The document explains the Council’s proposal to transfer its homes; reasons behind the proposal; implications of the transfer and changes and improvements to homes.  The Council received 1374 responses from tenants and 6 responses from leaseholders.  The comments, suggestions and views expressed by tenants during the first stage of the consultation indicated that the Council’s transfer proposal and the offers set out in the Offer Document  should not be changed or amended.


In July 2014 Cabinet decided that they were satisfied with the outcomes of the consultation process and agreed to proceed to the second stage of formal consultation (Stage 2) which included a ballot of all secure and introductory tenants on the transfer proposal.  The secret ballot of all the Council’s secure and introductory tenants was undertaken independently through the Electoral Reform Services from the end of July 2014.  The ballot ended on the 18 August 2014.


Councillor Tomlinson, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Housing and Rural issues commented that over 11,000 votes had been cast with over 9,000 tenants voting overwhelming yes for the transfer, 82% of the valid vote.  He continued that the Council’s cabinet had received a report on the outcome of the ballot and next steps in relation to the transfer process on the 10 September where it was agreed to proceed with the transfer.  In order to meet the statutory requirements of the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government the transfer must be complete by the end of March 2015 to access the financial support available from Government. Councillor Tomlinson continued by highlighting that a significant amount of work needs to be completed in a relatively short period of time if the proposed new County Durham Housing group are to be established and registered as providers of social housing.




(i)       That the contents of the report be noted.

(ii)      That the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee continue to receive further progress updates in relation to the development, impact and delivery of the new arrangements for housing in County Durham.

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