Agenda item

DM/14/01377/AD AND DM/14/02115/AD - Various roundabout sites located in the former City of Durham Area and the former District of Easington Area

Display of advertisements on roundabouts.


The Committee considered the report of the Planning Officer regarding the display of advertisements on various roundabouts located in the former City of Durham Area and the former District of Easington Area  (for copy see file of minutes).


The Senior Planning Officer provided the Committee with a detailed presentation which included photographs of the site and a plan of the proposed layout. 


Members were advised that the application related to 26 roundabouts in the former City of Durham area and 29 roundabouts in the former District of Easington area, some of the adverts were new while others were already in place.


The Chair wished it to be noted that the Committee did not wish to see any future retrospective planning applications where the County Council was the applicant.


In response to a query from Councillor Freeman, the Highways Officer advised that as detailed within the 2011 Cabinet report relating to advertising on roundabouts, it was envisaged that each roundabout would generate approximately £8000 income per annum. As such, the 55 roundabouts brought to the Committee for consideration, would generate somewhere in the region of £440,000, which was actually a minimum target figure.


In response to queries from the Committee, the Highways Officer clarified that there was no evidence locally or nationally that there were increased road traffic collisions due to roundabout adverts. Indeed another regional authority had been allowing roundabout advertising for 15 years and had no evidence of any related incidents.


Further to a query from Councillor Iveson, the Policy and Asset Manager, on behalf of the Applicant, advised that the Council had a contract company who would manage the advertising boards, including erecting, repairing and maintaining them.


Councillor Conway noted that the main material planning consideration in respect of the Durham roundabouts, was the impact on heritage assets. Furthermore he raised concerns regarding the impact of the roundabout policy on  enforcement of other unauthorised adverts. Whilst he did not support advertising on roundabouts, Councillor Conway felt he could not reasonably refuse the application.


Seconded by Councillor Shaw, Councillor Bleasdale moved approval of the application.



Resolved:- That the application be approved subject to the conditions detailed within the report.


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