Agenda item

Quarterly Performance and Operational Report:

Report of the Corporate Director Neighbourhood Services – Bereavement Services Manager, Neighbourhood Services.


The Joint Committee considered a report of the Bereavement Services Manager and Registrar which provided an update on performance and operational matters (for copy see file of minutes).


The Bereavement Services Manager and Registrar advised that there were 285 cremations undertaken during 1 June 2014 to 31 August 2014, compared to 286 in the comparable period last year, a decrease of 1. The total number of cremations undertaken during the period 1 April – 31 August 2014 was 495, compared to 501 in the comparable period during 2013, representing a decrease of 6 cremations (1.2%)


It was noted that in discussions with funeral directors they had indicated that were also been experiencing reductions in business and that this was further mirrored in the national picture as detailed in Appendix 2. With regard to the 2014/15 income budget it was noted that despite the reduction in numbers the Crematorium were still expected to exceed the budgeted position.


With regard to the sale of memorials it was noted that there had been an increase of 4 (£1,407.00) over the two periods compared to the same periods last year.


Moving on to operational matters it was reported that the Crematorium had been successful in obtaining/retaining the Green Flag for the third year in row.


With regards to staffing it was reported that the Business Administration Apprentice position had been filled, however due to unforeseen circumstances, the Crematorium Assistant (appointed in June 2014) was no longer working at the Crematorium and the position was currently being advertised.


It was reported that the recycling of metals scheme had once again produced a significant sum nationally and Councillor Dodds had requested that the next donation be given to the Child Funeral Charity who assisted those families who were unable to pay for children’s funeral costs. Members agreed that the above named charity should be the next beneficiary of any donation made.


The Bereavement Services Manager provided members with a copy of the recently published Crematorium Brochure and welcomed the Committee’s feedback.


Details were also provided regarding the Service Asset Management plan, which had been updated and attached at appendix 3. Urgent essential works identified for 2014/15 had been included within the budget and were estimated to the sum of £81,500.


Desirable works which had not been included within the improvement works had been estimated to the sum of £90,775 and desirable works for 2016/17 estimated to the sum of £42,950. Details of the planned works were contained within the report.


Councillor Jewell asked what capacity the crematorium was currently operated at. In response the Bereavement Services Manager advised that they were currently operating at around 60%, however it was interesting to note that Funeral Directors from outside the area were now wishing to promote the use of Mountsett because of its good reputation.


Councillor Jewell further queried whether there were any plans for improving parking facilities as he was concerned that due to high volumes attending funerals the car park may be inadequate to meet demand. It was reported that work to improve the car parks was programmed to take place this year with additional spaces being provided by the removal of some green areas and pinch points at the access and exit. Following cmpletioin of these works the situation would be carefully monitored and if necessary further proposals brought forward for consideration by members.


Councillor Temple commented that he was also happy to see that shower facilities were to be provided for staff in the list of crematorium improvement works and welcomed the increased investment in improving the overall facility, using the financial strength we now had.




That the recommendations contained in the report be approved.


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