Agenda item

Internal Audit Progress Report for the quarter ended 30 June 2014


The Committee considered a report of the Chief Internal Auditor and Corporate Fraud Manager which informed members of the work carried out by Internal Audit during the period April to June 2014 ( for copy see file of Minutes).


The Chief Internal Auditor and Corporate Fraud Manager highlighted the movements in the plan, unplanned reviews added to the plan and advised that there had been no responses to draft reports that remain overdue.  Members were informed that 93% of actions had been implemented, way in excess of the national target of 70-80% and in excess of DCC’s target of 90%.


The Chief Internal Auditor and Corporate Fraud Manager informed the Committee that officers from Gateshead Council had visited the team and were keen to learn the processes used when chasing up overdue actions.


The Chairman thanked the Chief Internal Auditor and Corporate Fraud Manager and his team for a pleasing report and added that the Committee should also be comforted that their actions of holding senior managers to account had helped exceed the targets.


On answering a question from Mr T Hoban about whether some reviews had commenced in July, as referred to in paragraph 11 of the report, the Chief Internal Auditor and Corporate Fraud Manager confirmed that they had commenced as planned.



1.         The amendments made to the 2013/14 Annual Audit Plan be noted.

2.         Work undertaken by Internal Audit during the quarter ended June 2014 be noted.

3.         Performance of the service during the period be noted.

4.         Progress made by service managers in responding to the work of Internal Audit be noted.

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